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This is a great kit for the money, and a good starter kit to see if you like the Swiffer line of products. You get:
1) The mop-you need to connect the poles to the base. Takes about 1-2 minutes total. Super easy!
2) 3 ‘wet’ floor mopping pads
3) A pack of the dry pads-7 total, that are packaged together in sealed plastic.

It seems to me the way Swiffer makes their money is by the refills. What I do is take 2-3 heavy-duty paper towels-not the cheapo towels or they won’t do the job-put a little soap, water, etc. on there, and use it just like a ‘wet’ Swiffer floor pad. Saves me on refills, because those are expensive. I’ve found this works well-I can’t go quite as rough on the floor, but it works fine. Alternatively, if you want a dry floor pad, just don’t wet the paper towel.